Tsitsi Masiyiwa is the wife of the millonaire, Strive Masiyiwa, who has helped feed over 40,000 children.
An excerpt from her 2013 feature in Forbes Magazine, reads:
So we were broke. In trying to understand what was going on around me, I began to do an intensive soul searching. Then I prayed to God and made a deal with him. I told God that if he granted us the license to operate the mobile phone company in Zimbabwe- and he made us successful, then I will help support as many poor people as possible for as long as I lived,” Tsitsi Masiyiwa recalls.
God probably answered her prayer because in December 1997 the Zimbabwean Supreme Court awarded Econet Wireless a license to set up a mobile telecoms company in Zimbabwe.
As Econet began spitting out handsome dividends for her family holding company (which owns the chunk of Econet shares), Tsitsi kept her promise to God.
“I gathered as many orphans as I could find from all over Zimbabwe and I threw a party for them,” Tsitsi says.
Tsitsi regularly held party-like events in her home for orphans in which the children always ate to their fill. Many times, she visited the children in their orphanages, offering them food and personal mentorship. It was an exhilarating experience for her, but she felt it was not enough.
We are moved by her act of selflesness.
Please read through her full features on FORBES MAGAZINE