President Barrack Obama was a guest on The Jimmy Fallon Show and while there, he and Jimmy, along with The Roots, recorded a 90’s RnB-esque rendition of all his achievements since he became President 8 years ago…
It’s an unusual approach of reeling out achievements but a very creative and catchy one. Especially to those millennials and people who do not watch the news, it serves as a great way of grabbing their attention.
There’s many delightful moments such as, when Jimmy sings: “Commander-in-Preach” as opposed to “Commander-in-Chief,” references Beyonce’s Lemonade as he also sings: “…when Republicans gave him lemons, he made so much Lemonade, Beyonce started calling him Barracky with the good hair,” and more.
It’s super-lit and I am almost certain you will agree after watching.